5 Days/5 Minutes
Fall 5 Day 5 Minute Film Contest
WHEN: 3-126-15 until 3-31-15
TIME: 6:00pm
COST: $ 35.00
The East Lansing Film Festival 48/5 Film Contest is expanding to 5 days to make a 5 to 7 minute film. Each film must contain the pre-selected line of dialogue, prop, character, and location presented at the start of the contest.
5 Days/5 Minutes Film Competition Rules: Concept: Filmmaking teams have 5 days or 120 hours to write, shoot and edit a short film. Duration of the Short: 4 minutes minimum – not including credits. 7 minutes maximum – including credits. Credits at the end of each film are limited to a maximum of 60 seconds. Deadlines: The contest will begin with the distribution of elements, rules and regulations at 6pm on 3-26-15 via an email. You must respond to the email and confirm that you received the elements. Submitting: Your submission must be submitted online. Please upload your digital file to vimeo.com or Youtube.com and provide the link and password by email. This email cannot be sent later than 6pm on 3-26-15 Showing of films: The showing of the films made for the 5 day 5 minute film contest will be 3-26-15 at 6:30pm at Wells Hall room B122 located on MSU campus. Late Films: Films received on Sunday after the final deadline may be screened at the discretion of the ELFF staff but are not eligible for an award. The Start: Each participating group may attend the kickoff meeting, or have the elements emailed to them at 6pm on Thursday, March 26th. Each team will receive an envelope or email containing a preselected line of dialogue, prop, character, and location to be included in the film. These elements must be included in the submitted film. Failure to include any of these elements will render the film ineligible for prizes. Judging will be based on: story, the originality and creativity used in including these elements in the final product, and the film’s overall production value. Shooting Period: All creativity will take place within the 120 hour period (e.g. scriptwriting, costume/set design, shooting, editing, sound design, etc.). The only work allowed prior to the official start time is: organizing cast & crew, securing equipment, scouting & securing locations, and sourcing music. Music: Participating groups are encouraged to work with local composers and/or musicians to write and record music for their films. We realize that this may be difficult to achieve in 120 hours. Therefore, it is permissible for a participating group to use prerecorded music with permission (see Video Shoot Release Form & Limited Liability Release Form). Prerecorded, public domain sound effects are allowed. Footage: All footage must be shot within the 5 day time period. No stock footage or footage shot or created prior to that time may be used. Animation and special effects are permitted, but must be created during the contest and not before. Cheating: Any team found to have cheated in any way will be disqualified. Equipment: Any type of video or film camera may be used. There is no limit to the number of cameras that can be used. Any format for shooting is acceptable (e.g. HD, 35mm, super8, etc.). Team Roster/Team Release Form: A full team roster with all participants’ names, signatures and email addresses must be attached with the submission email.The Team Release Form is the acceptable and preferred way of fulfilling this requirement. Finished Short Film: Your film must include the following in standard typeface before the film starts: TEAM NAME TITLE OF FILM FOLLOWED BY TEN SECONDS OF BLACK Please make this text fill most of the screen. White text on black background, please. Films must include the following end credit: This film was made as part of the ELFF 5 days/5 Minutes Film Contest.